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  • Aircraft/ Engine Financing: multiple Sale and Lease Back structures, finalized. ~USD 1 billion financing solutions delivered

  • PDP Financing: innovative transaction to fund Future Milestone payments (till 2026) for the entire equipment ordered

  • Cost savings: USD 240 million of savings conceptualized and delivered

  • Fleet Strategy: aircraft evaluation, selection & procurement. Deals ~USD 15 billion for 144 A320 NEO Aircraft at list price

  • Engine Selection: engine selection and sourcing. Deal Size - USD 2.4 billion List price

  • Advisory work on revenue targets for a USD 500 million budget

  • International tax issues including local withholding tax issues, application of tax treaties, permanent establishment exposure

  • Structuring of deals and portfolio including associated risk

  • Engine Maintenance Contracts: unique PBH agreement worth USD 4 billion over 10 years finalized

  • OEM/ financing relationships: well connected with Boeing, Airbus, PW, CFM, lessors & financiers

  • Structured transactions including bulk sales of assets and securitizations, coordination of transfer tax

  • Compensation claims: claims collaboratively settled and delivered. Amount of USD 150 million

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